Sunday, February 24, 2008


What do you do when you’ve had too much action last weekend? You rest yourself.
But he bad thing about resting is that you get bored sometimes.. and worse still, you run out of fresh pictures.
This shoot came as a surprise – of the good kind, though.
A friend had once mentioned that one of her friends would like to have me shooting her at her mehndi, but like everything else, I had forgotten this as well.
So this evening (after being reminded and surprised the previous day), I quietly slip out of work for a rendezvous with the bride for some green room action.
Considering that I had no strobes, softboxes or diffusers, and was shooting out of the equipment in my office backpack, I am pretty happy with the way the pictures turned out.


Keshi said...

wow pretty chicks u hv here..modelling for ya ;-)


Adorable Pancreas said...

I always wish mallus had something like this. We got stuck with stupid ceremonies like kitchen seeing. Blah.

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

"Considering that I had no strobes, softboxes or diffusers, and was shooting out of the equipment in my office backpack".....phew!!!! you sound like a professional!!! :)

why does this make me sigh........reminds me ......just a year back it was my mehndi!!! time just flies by :)

Flyaway Mind said...

booking you for my 'mehndi ceremony' as well..heehee..kewl..glowing pic

Howling Wolf said...

With Money getting stronger agaist $$ Balu u already have ur vision set for the worse.

Can u give me a synonmy for great snap.. I am bored typing it again and again.

crumbs said...

That woman looks like she's got something cooking in her her :D

You're having fun aren't you?

crumbs said... her head I meant

Sonia said...

i like the effect of the subdued golden hue and the mehndi. real nice. :)

ToOothlEss WOndeR! said...

Keshi: Murphy's fifth law: you see a pretty chick, and the chances are that she's someone's girlfriend. Not so Wow. :)

AP: Kitchen seeing sounds like fun - I can't wait! :))

moi: Time does fly! *sigh!
(I'm trying to sound like one but why do you have to say it here? LOL!)
These guys did not get a second shooter cause I'd told them I was getting my equipment. Imagine!
When i made so much noise about it they finally got this other guy. The funny thing is, he kept asking " So what do I do, Sir?" Oh it was SUCH-A-MESS!

flyawaymind: i'm not coming! :p

fls: you can say I'm God. i kinda like that. ;0)

crumbs: i'd rather not comment on THAT PARTICULAR STATEMENT.

crumbs again: Oh dear! :))

sonia: Thanks! :)

Anonymous said...

gr8 use of focus. i wud usually curse the low light for not allowing me enuf DOF :) never occured it cud be used as an advantage