Sunday, July 20, 2008

Re-wind. Play.

The little bully, the physicist and the big always-happy-guy.
None reminds me of me.
But I recognize all of their faces, even the shy little one.
It was as though I had found an old journal, cleaning up the room - its paper crisp and yellow: A little crisp-er than meant to be, and writing a little grey-er than it once used to be.
Some memories have names, and some do not, but they are all hazy, warm, and dirty from a day of play.

I miss school.


Dhanya said...

WOW such a cute snap.. I miss school too.. Incidentally my latest post is also about school days ;)

heh? ok said...

back looking confused. but school seems like such a lifetime ago. i'm still no good in photos, though.

very awww picture.

ToOothlEss WOndeR! said...

dhanya: It's funny how we think.
Girls look back and see ribbons. Guys look back and see gangs chasing pigtailed girls.

heh?: I walked in, not sure if I will find one familiar face. But then there were some (very) old timers who spotted me in the crowd, and took me around to meet all the other oldies - which was seven of them in all.
They said i looked just the same .
I wasnt too happy when I found a few of my pictures in the annuals archive at the library - Thick glassed, and Mickey mouse shirted

Anonymous said...


Usha said...

me too!!
loved the pic and the words. beautiful. :)

Unny said...

hey, all your photos are interesting. they all seem to be telling a story or brimming with a story.

ToOothlEss WOndeR! said...

lash: thank yOu dude. wouldn't have gone if it werent for you. :)

usha: thankee!

unny: i just got back from your blog.
awesome stuff in there!
i am a man of excuses. you definitely dont seem to be one.

Anonymous said...

did i make you sad with that exercise? i guess nostalgia is good, like I have commented elsewhere, it shows that you have a rich and "rememberable" past

Serendipity said...

none of your pictures open frm my work machine any more.

theres one small cross which appears and then when i say 'show picture', it doesnt.

sho shad

Anonymous said...

hey bala,
really nice to see so many pics uploaded since I last visisted! And this one captures my heart. :D Good work on the pictures. which camera?

good wishes,

Chica, Cienna, and Cali said...

beautiful image, TW! and a beautiful post too :)

Bhavani said...

Very Cute Pic...
All the photo shots in the Blog are Awesome, Bala.

Superb Photography.

Anonymous said...

Good dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.