Sunday, December 31, 2006

White (after) Christmas

(Click for whole photostream)
Originally uploaded by toothleswonder.

Woof woof woof!


Anonymous said...

Was sneaking thru your snaps:-) HP? I was there in those new hampshire apts next too food&basket(or something like tht..)!!

ToOothlEss WOndeR! said...

rush: it's market basket. and it's not HP.
thanks for coming by.
you in new jersey?

Cinderella said...

How are ya doing bachelor boy ???

Cinderella said...

I finally updated. B'lore sucks big time. I'm irritated to death already.Hope you're fine..

crumbs said...

christmas came and went.
the new year hype's also all done.
y is that we don't get an update?
not like u dont have more to shoe off

ToOothlEss WOndeR! said...

cindrella: hola!
i was taking a break. they dont have internet in the jungles - well, not yet. so that's how i am doing!

moontalk: not too much this time around. two days in the jungle, and all i got to shoot was shit loads of elephant dung!

lost optimist..^!^ said...

hey!its been a while.i see a lot of changes.. great snaps..shift frm bglore to nj is!!so how's life bachelor boy..:)

Anonymous said...

enna pottirikku thambi?

ToOothlEss WOndeR! said...

fartin jules:
Listen asshole - you're not welcome here, and I've told you that before.
Using your office resources to solicit doggie style sex would not be considered very appropriate in i-flex.